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Current Happenings and A Mini (HUGE) Update

Hola BEAUTIFUL Readers!

It has been a long time since either one of us checked in on you. How are all of you doing so far? I hope you and your family are doing well like always, happily busy and remaining hopeful this Christmastime. 💛

I understand…you’re wondering what we’ve been up to for the past couple of months; so, let me give you a quick update:

Twenties is busy with keeping herself…busy, so to speak. She’s taking her time finding out what she really wants to do and where she truly belongs. Like anyone in their 20s, she’s going through a phase, but she’s managing it at her own pace, in her own ways. What I could tell you, however, is that despite her current circumstances, she remains grateful, positive, and blessed.

Thirties is heavily involved with their big move! Nothing beats the excitement of picking out your own furniture and styling your own house. I am beyond happy for her and her husband for their next adventure, a well-deserved blessing for their kindness and diligence.

As for me, I’m over the moon for the past few months as my husband was finally able to come home after countless times of canceled flights. I am grateful to have celebrated both my and our daughter’s birthdays with him, and now that Christmas is just a stone’s throw away, to celebrate it with him as well. I already consider myself blessed beyond measure when my family is healthy and complete, especially on major holidays and occasions.

I’ve also been busy with my projects here and there. I speak for all moms in the world – rest is a luxury that moms get to have rarely. There’s always something to do, somewhere to go, or something to fix. But with that said, we moms delight in the joy of our family. We live for it.

As for the mini (huge) update that I was referring to…well, we also have been busy this couple of months in building connections to bring HERstory S.V.R. worldwide! Yes, you heard that correctly. Like what I’ve always told you, my beautiful readers, when you dream, you must dream as big as you can possibly imagine – even beyond that. So, we have started to get the ball rolling towards that goal. Just as not every road is smooth, we have encountered A LOT of bumps along our path. Some bumps were so massive, but we were able to pull through with God’s good grace.

I can’t divulge more information on the matter, but I promise to give you more details next year. Good things take time, my beautiful readers. 😉✨

May all of you remain safe this Christmas season. On behalf of HERstory S.V.R., I wish you all a merry and bountiful Christmas! ❤️💙💛

With love,

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Jan 21, 2022

Have I read it right? 😳😲😳 This amazing soap is going INTERNATIONAL? 🙀😍🤩 So excited to spread this great news... 👍💪👏

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