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Happy World Dream Day!

Hola BEAUTIFUL Readers!

How are things going for you and your family? I’ve been so busy lately that sometimes I immediately feel tired as soon as I wake up. Do you experience that kind of day, too? I bet you do! Though this is true, we have to be thankful for another day we’re blessed with to make all our dreams come true. Oh, and by the way, it’s World Dream Day today! What’s your biggest dream?

In my 40-something years of existence, I am confident enough to proclaim that I’ve achieved my biggest dreams, let me share some of them to you:

Working overseas. Will you consider working overseas a dream? Maybe, but it is for sure one of mine. I was able to work abroad for a total of 11 years – in the US and in Dubai. I did miss my family, it’s still different being close to them – but being able to work in a foreign country while loving what you do is so fulfilling that it overpowers the longing for home.

Traveling the world. This is one of the things that I will never get tired of telling you and never get tired of experiencing. I was fortunate enough to travel parts of the Philippines and of the world because of my previous jobs, which I immensely enjoyed, but I was able to travel with my husband when we were still dating, and now that we have a daughter as well. Traveling gives you a different kind of thrill, of excitement. It opens your eyes to other cultures. It makes you see the world around you in a different light. It’s something that I want to expose my daughter as early as possible.

A comfortable life. I want to be able to go where I want to go, buy want I want to buy, get the best education possible for my child, afford the best healthcare I possibly can, and solve any problem that may arise with ease. A comfortable life for me means having multiple choices and having the freedom, the luxury, to choose what you truly want and not sweating it. I want to be able to give my child whatever she asks from me, without spoiling her. It means being financially stable.

My beautiful family. None of it matters without them to share all my dreams with. I consider myself truly blessed to have my husband who supports me in every endeavor I wish to partake and a daughter who lights up my world – my Sham, my sunshine.

Forty isn’t too old, but I was able to achieve these. Mind you, I was just a mere employee, who started at the bottom of the ladder and rose from the ranks, when I accomplished all of it. The company that I co-founded is still just starting. I’m not saying this to have something to brag about, but merely to give YOU who’s reading this hope that you can achieve whatever you set your mind to. How? Let’s call it my 3Ps: passion, perseverance, and patience. The best things in life take so much work and a lot of faith. I consider myself lucky because my personal principles and that of the companies that I was involved with through the years aligned, and so here I am now.

One of the things that shaped who I am was my very first job’s brand song which was Mariah Carey’s “Make It Happen.” Being fresh out of college who was eager to soak up whatever’s dished to her, make it happen was well and truly inculcated in my values. Whatever the situation, there’s always a solution. Whatever the dream, there’s always a way.

Here’s a little something from Charles Haanel that I wish would leave a mark in your life as it did mine,

"Thoughts impregnated from love becomes invincible."

Though I’ve achieved a lot, I didn’t achieve it all. What do I do when that happens? I sleep on it and pray for it. It’s normal to be frustrated, but believe it or not, the following day? The disappointment from yesterday will feel like it almost didn’t happen at all. Acceptance is key, acceptance that there are some things that are not meant to happen. You move on from that mini heartbreak, but that doesn’t mean you’ll stop there. It only means that you need to adjust your dream, your methods, and dream even bigger! Like I always tell my 7-year-old daughter, believe in yourself and you’ll accomplish whatever you set your heart out to.

As this short dialogue keeps on gaining pages, I would like to impart you with the only two dreams that I wish to achieve soon: professionally, I dream for HERstory S.V.R to go international; personally, I dream to give back to others who need it the most. I’ve always been guided by my faith, and I’ve been blessed beyond my wildest dreams. Now that I know more and now that I am more capable, I would like to share these blessings to those who need it more – anonymously. Because when you’re helping, you need not broadcast it to the universe. Matthew 6:3

Dream big, my beautiful readers. Dream as big as you can and never lose sight of your life’s purpose.

With love,

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