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HERstory S.V.R. Whitening Soap Experience with Twenties

Hey, there!

To put it in the words of my favorite FRIENDS character...

I hope all is well with you and your family. The pandemic is still upon us, scarily so. Please do take care of your well-being in these trying times! Sending you all a tight virtual hug! 🤗

I’ve talked about the reason behind creating our very own Whitening Soap here, but I never got to tell you my experience using it. I love our soap, and I’m not just saying it because it’s our own product, but because I do love its effect on my skin! Let me tell you why – but first, I want to tell you that the BEFORE and AFTER photos we post on our social media accounts of the forehead and underarms were my photos:

We do test the products on ourselves prior to offering it in the market. We want to make sure that we like the results we’re getting before you guys even get to try it. ❤️💙💛 In my case, I decided to continuously use our Whitening Soap even after product testing for the following reasons:

1. It improves uneven and brightens skin tone. The photos above are the best proof I could give you. I was actually surprised when I had new photos taken with Thirties and Forties just a couple of weeks back. Truthfully, Forties has a fairer complexion than me, but our photos showed how more glowing my skin is now. There I go joking in a singsong voice, “only HERstory touches my skin…” 😉

2. It improves the skin’s texture. I don’t know about you, but the skin on my butt area is textured compared to other parts of my body – by “textured” I mean it does have a sort of “chicken skin” feel to it – or at least it did BEFORE. I can’t prove it with a photo, but I swear by my…butt 😂 that its texture became smoother after my continuous use of our Whitening Soap. If you read my previous blog, I rarely apply body lotion – only when I seriously need it – so this is one of the effects of our product that I truly love.

3. It improves odor. I don’t have body odor, but what I do have is excessively sweaty feet. You already know where this is leading to, am I right? 😬 This is quite an embarrassing testimony to say the least 😂 Since I have sweaty feet, they tend to get acrid especially when I wear closed shoes for a long period of time. Well, not anymore! I get teased a lot by my family for this, but thank God, I don’t experience this problem anymore – FINALLY!!! 🎉

It’s only natural that results are different from one person to another; this is always true for whatever product that you use. Results are affected by a lot of reasons like one’s skin type and lifestyle. What could be true for me may not be true for you. For skin care products, trial and error is still the best way to find out what works for your skin, at least for me! With the (embarrassing) things that I have shared, I hope that you won’t think of this as a marketing ploy to get you to purchase our product – because its quality can truly speak for itself. ✨

Hoping for better days ahead of us. Until next time!


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