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Twenties’ Story ♥︎

Updated: Aug 12, 2021

Hey, there!

I’m HERstory S.V.R.™’s “Twenties.” I go by that pseudonym because I am in my 20s, 24 years old to be exact. In the hopes of connecting with you through my words, I want to share some of my personal information to let you know that I’m REAL.

Let’s start with my family background. I have two younger brothers, 18 and 21. My mom’s very much alive and well (thank God) and at the province with my grandma and aunts. My dad passed away due to diabetes and kidney failure seven years ago. Wow, seven freakin’ years ago. It doesn’t matter how much time will past, I will always be affected by his death and will forever be missing daddy in my life. ☹

HOLD UP. I don’t want you to feel sad reading about my life! So, let’s talk about hobbies. I love to read – A LOT. Reading has brought me fond memories, but that’s a story for another time. Because of reading, I came to love writing. I realized that I can properly express myself through written words better than spoken [words]. Another newfound hobby is…you guessed it right! Korean dramas! I fell into the Crash Landing on You bandwagon and watched other Kdramas ever since. I especially adooooore PARK SEO JOON because, let’s face it, who doesn’t? Hahaha! Recently though, I can’t stop watching Running Man episodes from 10 years ago because I absolutely love Kang Gary! ☺ I know he’s not a current member of the show anymore – don’t judge! ;)

I might have jumped over the “school” part of my life. I attended only two schools my whole life: one in my province from pre- to high school and one university in Manila where I finished with a bachelor’s degree in Travel Management. Academically, I admittedly am an overachiever. Socially, I kind of am an extroverted introverted, only being able to come out of me well-protected shell with my truest friends.

In high school, I solidified my friendship with the most fabulous girls to walk this earth – both inside and out. I’ve gone through most of the good, bad, and ugly with them and no judgment has been passed, sort of. I would kill and be killed for my girls, figuratively, at least for now ;). In your twenties, I hope you’ll also find the most genuine of friendships there is. I’m lucky to have them as early as my teens. To my girls, if you’re reading this now: I love you to the moon. SPRAK!

In college, I struggled with my mental health. Loneliness and isolation are THE worst. With the help of my family and friends (and by faith), I emerged from the darkest pits of my mind victoriously. I also met my boyfriend in college, but he wasn’t [my boyfriend] back then. Again, an interesting story for another time. ;)

WHERE AM I NOW? I’m here, with you! It’s a long story of how I got here, but I’m more than happy and grateful to be here sharing my life with you. With my bachelor’s degree, I tried multiple times to be in the tourism industry. I failed and failed, then failed again. Who would’ve thought that I’ll be in the beauty industry and that I’ll have a knack for marketing? Not me, for sure. I shared this so that you’ll somehow be comforted in your doubt. In life, there is no straight path to your destination. You will turn left when you’re supposed to go right, and on that left turn are innumerable loops you have to go through. That’s ALL okay. You are okay. Enjoy the journey and you’ll eventually reach your destination.

As for me? I hope that you will stay with me in my journey as I face the rocky stage of my 20s.

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