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My Superwoman and A GIVEAWAY!

Updated: Mar 8, 2022

In commemoration of International Women’s Day tomorrow, March 8th, we will talk about the superwoman in your life. Although the day is meant to “celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women” as per IWD, we are choosing to dedicate the day in recognition of the (super)woman who’s made the most impact in your life! But still, we raise our glasses to everyone who’s made an effort to raise awareness about and fought for gender equality.

Who is the superwoman in your life and why?

The only person that comes immediately into my mind to answer this question - without a shadow of a doubt - is my mom. It’s not just because she gave birth to me and I “owe” her for that, but it’s because she’s truly the kindest, most loving, most genuine, and most selfless person I’ve ever known. She’s the very definition of what a decent human being should be. I’m just lucky enough to have her as my mother.

She celebrates my triumphs with me and never puts me down for my failures. She listens to everything that I have to say - and to my silences that mean so much more. She never puts any kind of pressure on me, but instead teaches me the value of living a life that I’m genuinely happy about and contented with. She makes me feel comfortable enough to cry on her shoulders when I’m at my lowest and gives me enough strength to recover, then follows it up with her silent, more painful tears because she doesn’t want me to carry that burden. She gives, and gives, and gives, even if nothing is left for herself…because that’s just the kind of person she is. That’s how she shows her love, and I’m grateful for her every single second of my life.

I always tell myself, “if I could just be half the woman my mommy is, then I’d be set for life.” That statement remains true to this day. She just makes me want to become better every day. My mom is warmth, light, joy, comfort, home, and everything good in between. I sure as hell don’t deserve this superwoman, but I’ll do my best to return every bit of goodness she gives out in this world. ❤️

And as for our very first giveaway, head on to our Facebook or Instagram page to answer the same question: Who is the superwoman in your life and why? You will see the full mechanics in the post as well. Good luck! May your superwoman’s day be extra special as you shower her with your kind words of appreciation.


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Could not agree more. Moms are the best Super Woman.. She does not wear a crown but wears a lot of responsibility. She does not wear heels but she stood tall. She does not wear a cape but her warmth embrace is more than you could ever ask. She does not have a wand,but she possess the power no one can ever give to her children-A Mom's LOVE. . HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY! ❤️💙💛

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