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Rewind, Reset, Resolutions

Hey, you!

It’s been quite a long time since you last heard from me! I’m so sorry for falling off the face of the earth. We all have had that phase, yeah? Having said that, I truly hope that you’re doing well - physically, mentally, and emotionally - but if you’re not, then that’s still okay. I hope that you’re able to cope in your own way. 🤗

I find the new year quite terrifying, to be honest. I knoooow. “New year, new me; clean slate” yadda yadda yadda. I think I’m weird. 😂 It’s just because I’m not comfortable starting something new and I’ve somehow associated the new year with the added pressure of getting another year older (though my birthday won’t be for another six months 😬).

But in an effort to develop a good habit for the new year, I’ll face this absurd fear of the new year head-on. To avoid feeling overwhelmed, I decided to break it down to three Rs: rewind, reset, and resolutions. Maybe this can help you, too! ❤️


Look back into the past year. What have I accomplished and what do I still want to achieve? Having an answer to this question will open doors for goal creation.

When asked to reminisce, the most important thing for me to do is to count my blessings, figuratively. It doesn’t matter whether I’ve done a lot or a few as long as I know how to say “thank you.” I owe everything to the Big Guy up there. 🙏


For me, the new year isn’t about having a clean slate, but having the chance to start again (hence, reset). You don’t simply forget about your past mistakes without learning from them because that’s just the opposite of growth.

In this stage, it’s important to familiarize yourself with your previous missteps so that you’ll know when to skip them once you stumble upon them again (but it’s still my hope that we don’t fall into the same trap twice!).


Now is the time to put your goals into writing. Multiple studies were made on this subject. From what I’ve learned from my Google search, writing our goals increases our motivation and performance because it gives us a clear vision of what we want to achieve in our future.

With all my love for writing, goal-writing is the most difficult activity for me - not because I have no dreams (I do! Big ones!), but because of my anxiety over the steps that I need to take to achieve them. I've always had anxiety problems, but I’m trying to deal with it - promise!

Maybe I’ll start with writing smaller goals - like sleeping at a more decent hour - and letting it grow to bigger ones - like finding my true path.

I hope these Rs will help put things in perspective for you and may we all have our best year yet. Always stay true to yourself and be kind to those around you. ❤️💙💛


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1 comentário

21 de jan. de 2022

REWIND. RESET. RESOLUTIONS. Thank you for Sharing this update Twenties and glad you were able to pull through. ❤️💙💛

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