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Skin Care Matters with Twenties

Updated: Aug 5, 2021

Hey, there!

I’m back with a new blog, and today we’ll talk about all things skin care, but only about everything that has to do with me, what I do, and what I use. Together with 30s and 40s, we decided to talk about these three things:

1) skin type and concern;

2) skin care routine; and

3) our top 3 skin care brands.

Since I started college (back in 2012), my skin type shifted from normal to combination – and it got stuck there. I started to hate taking photos when pimples started to appear on my face. Until now, I experience acne breakouts here and there. Recently, however, my skin has become more sensitive and reactive to skin care products due to hormonal imbalance. Side story: Late last year, I was diagnosed with Graves’ Disease. Part of the long-term treatment plan is having a thyroid hormone replacement medication to which the dosage is still being adjusted by my doctor. This contributes to the current state of my skin.

Here is where it gets tricky. Being in my 20s, not only am I lazy about skin care, but it just isn’t on top of my priority list (SKIN CARE CAN BE SO EXPENSIVE!!). Mind you, I’m not speaking for everyone in their 20s, it’s just where I am at right now. My “routine” only consists of washing, toning, and protecting (SPF). Whenever a zit comes around, I just add spot treatment on the list. But since my skin easily gets irritated lately, I’ve become even lazier to do that 3-step skin care routine! I apologize to my future self. 😅😂

Since skin care isn’t something that I really invest in, here are some of the brands that I use when I do feel like doing skin care:

1) Human Nature. Most of my bathroom essentials are from them! I particularly love their Detoxifying Mask + Scrub as it thoroughly cleanses my pores. My go-to would be their Balancing Facial Wash and Toner, and I always keep an Acne Defense Solution Gel and Tea Tree Oil for when the acne is uncontrollable.

2) Jane Iredale. I would like to thank 40s for giving me their BeautyPrepTM Skincare System! I achieve the longest break in acne breakouts whenever I use their products. Their compact powder is one that provides perfect coverage and glow without causing irritation. Hands down. The best. 💯

3) Jergens. Body care is part of skin care, right? I need to include this brand as their lotion perfectly hydrates my very dry skin. I don’t apply body lotion most of the time, only when I feel like my skin’s nearly cracking 😂 The Ultra Healing one immediately brings moisture back to my skin.

When it comes to sunscreen, I honestly just use whatever is available. Most of the time, 40s give me whatever she doesn’t use (for those of you who don’t know, 40s is my aunt I live with). From Vaseline to Supergoop! , I use it as long as it has SPF. I promise to get better with my skin care. 🙏🏻

If you’re in your 20s, I sincerely hope you practice a better skin care routine than I do. Until next time!


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