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The Story Behind Our Whitening Soap

Updated: Aug 12, 2021

Hi, there! Thanks to Thirties, you found out why our product’s packaging is the way it is. Possibly, you’re wondering why we even decided to have whitening soap as our initial product to begin with. Well, it wasn’t our plan at the beginning, so allow me to take you back to where it all started.

With our background in the beauty industry, we initially planned to produce our own glutathione capsules. Is the market already saturated with whitening products? Maybe, but not quite. A lot is available, but not everything is effective. So that’s where the idea first started, we wanted to make an effective whitening product available to those who seek for it. With Forties’ guidance, we always aim for truthful marketing. We don’t want to mislead people with false information. We wanted to give people what they’re looking for, and that’s 100% pure glutathione. So why didn’t we go through with it?

We actually spoke with a manufacturer already and did all the research in the different forms of glutathione and boosters needed to make it more effective, yet safe. However, we would be needing bigger capital and a much longer time in processing its FDA registration. We didn’t want to wait! We’re so excited to get this show on the road! So, the manufacturer gave us an idea to start with whitening soap. It would require lesser capital, lesser production time, and faster FDA registration. We liked that idea, so we parked our plans for glutathione capsules for the meantime.

But still, it wasn’t the final whitening soap that we’re offering now. The initial formulation of the whitening soap we were supposed to produce contained papaya, kojic acid, glutathione, and gold dust, the last one as suggested by the manufacturer to produce “glass skin” effect. You know that gut feeling when something isn’t right? We got that feeling with the first manufacturer we spoke with. At first, everything was okay until it was so difficult to contact her. We resorted to contacting another manufacturer, one trusted by many brands, through the kindness of a licensed pharmacist who’s acquainted with Forties.

When we spoke to the current manufacturer we are with, they weren’t familiar at all with gold dust and its so-called “glass skin” effect. They made a research on the spot and informed us that it basically is just a colorant to make the soap look more attractive, but it may even cause allergic reactions to some, so we nixed it. Remember what I said about truthful marketing? Glutathione, when applied topically, doesn’t really have a whitening effect as it is marketed to be. We did the research and scoured through a lot of studies – none say that it is effective when mixed with soap – so, we removed it in our ingredients as well. It is proven to have whitening side effects through intravenous/IV or when taken orally. We don’t mean any harm to those who use glutathione in their whitening soap. They probably have their own study to back it up to which we don’t have any access to. But since we want something truly effective, we ultimately decided to not include it in ours.

During that three-hour meeting, our manufacturer suggested the ingredients we’re now using. We made the research and agreed that it is the best ingredients to use for our Whitening Soap. With Forties’ expertise, we added hyaluronic acid into our soap, which we believe is our Unique Selling Proposition.

After finalizing all the ingredients, we also chose our own scent. I didn’t realize that there were a lot to choose from! I mean, it was just for a soap, right? There were floral notes, aromatic notes, even those that were just a tad bit too clean, if you get my drift. Ultimately, we decided on inclusivity. We didn’t want to limit our soap to the female audience, so we chose a mild scent that best complements everyone.

In the end, we tested it and loved its effect on our skin. We’re proud of what we’ve created, and we believe that it will be loved by you, too! If you want to check it out for yourself, you can get it here.

Next week, I’ll be talking about the ingredients of our whitening soap in detail. Please watch out for it and thank you so much for taking the time to read this. We appreciate you.❤️


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