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Tips to Keep Your Skin Healthy During the Rainy Season

Hey, you!

Aren’t you glad to have a short break from the sun’s bright (and oh-so-hot) light? I sure am. Although I’m not one to welcome the rain, the kind that falls angrily from the sky and makes it difficult to go about your day. Flooding is even worse. 🥵 But what can we do? It’s either hot or wet in the Philippines. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Sorry to get sidetracked, I missed writing to YOU! Anyway, how can we keep our skin healthy during the rainy season? Is there even such a thing as a special way to do it? No, it’s not really special. It’s more like a…transition. Like the shift in weather, we need to shift our skincare routine or practices. But why?

You need to understand that our skin got used to the months of being in hot temperatures and it adjusts abruptly to the humidity caused by rainy days. Having said that, our skin will experience some problems or issues because of this change. These common skin problems are:

  • Oiliness due to high humidity levels

  • Dryness due to the cold weather and rain that strips away our skin’s natural oils

  • Rashes/Fungal Infection due to damp skin and wet clothes/footwear from the rain that encourages the growth of bacteria and fungi

I, myself, am experiencing these problems. Since I have a combination skin type, my T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin) gets oilier and my cheeks get dryer. But mostly, I experience itching on random spots of my body, usually on areas that perspire easily (neck/nape and chest).

Finally, here are the tips! For your skincare routine, here are a few recommendations:

  1. Change to lightweight, non-greasy skincare products. Remember that your skin adapts to the quick change in the atmosphere’s humidity level, so you need products that are quickly absorbed by the skin and do not leave a sticky feeling. 💧

  2. Moisturize. You need to keep your skin hydrated to prevent dullness and oiliness. You heard it right. People with oily or combination skin still need to use moisturizers. Basically, moisturizers help your skin understand that it is already hydrated enough so it won’t have to produce extra oil to compensate for the lack of moisture. Moisturization doesn’t stop on the face! You need to give attention to your lips and body, too! The lips extremely suffer from the harsh winds. Avoid going through the painful phase of chapped lips by keeping them moisturized. 👄

  3. Exfoliate. Do this twice a week to get rid of dead skin cells and to allow your skin to breathe. It helps unclog pores and prevent acne breakouts. Do NOT do it every day because it will cause a whole lot of trouble to your skin (like roughness, redness, and irritation - AMONG OTHERS). 🧖🏻‍♀️

  4. Apply sunscreen. Just because it’s rainy and cooler doesn’t mean the sun’s not out. It still is, but it’s just covered by the clouds - and its UV rays are still harmful to your skin. Not to mention, artificial light sources and radiation from electronics can damage the skin as well. So please, PLEASE still apply your sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 30 to keep your skin protected. 🌦

  5. Use antifungal powder (if needed). In some cases, being soaked in rainwater causes bacterial or fungal infection. This is especially true for your feet. One of the treatments for this is using antifungal powder to relieve its symptoms. 🦶🏻

‼️ Please be reminded that these recommendations are done outside your regular cleanse-tone-treatment routine.

If you like being extra, here are other actions you can take to keep your skin 💯 healthy during the rainy season:

  1. Hydrate! Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. Do more if you can!

  2. Eat more Vitamin C-rich food to boost your immune system and help fight off infections.

  3. Avoid hot showers because they will cause redness and strip off your skin’s natural oils, disrupting the balance of moisture in your skin.

  4. Do not leave your skin and clothes damp too long so you won’t give bacteria and fungi an opportunity to grow.

  5. Wear 100% cotton-based clothes to allow your skin to breathe.

These tips are all helpful to me and I apply them to myself. I hope you will find it beneficial to you and your family as well! ❤️ Keep safe and stay dry! 😉


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