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What’s Up?

Updated: Aug 12, 2021

Hello everyone! I hope you are all adjusting well to the new normal.

Sharing with you a funny quote that i saw on my feed:

“You never fully realize how anti-social you are until a pandemic strikes and your life does not really change that much.”

Funny but true on my end. To be honest, I just had a little adjustment to this pandemic. When it started last year, I lost my job but I didn’t apply for a new one right away because I intended to learn the ropes of digital marketing. In doing so, I was able to get not only a job, but also a project, both with a work-from-home arrangement.

Pre-pandemic, I have been a stern advocate of working from home. Although I landed jobs that require me to go to the office, I always haggle for a day to work from home because it saves a lot - traffic, eating out, and commuting.

Hmmm...i think being an introvert and kuripot (thrifty) is not a good mix at all. It really drives you to be anti-social. LOL!

On the other hand, my husband isn’t fond of quarantine. Let's just say he is an extrovert and I am the opposite. It's a good realization and observation that extroverts have a hard time working from home. It's as if they are being suffocated. Their life blood is to go outside and to socialize physically.

A big difference that I observed during this pandemic about work is that extroverts are so happy with video calls. It's as if they recharge from the energy of the people that they talk to. On the flip side, introverts get so tired after a video call. They need to rest after. A friend put it well; he said, “extroverts take the coin from the people they talk to, while introverts give out coins.” Makes sense, right?

Anyhow, regardless of what's happening in your environment, it helps to have aspirations or goals. This will put you back on track every time you’ll have an unfavorable situation like this pandemic. You’ll just have to reassess what you have missed, what you have gained, and whether you are near to what you aspire for.


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