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What’s Up?

Updated: Aug 12, 2021

Where do I start? With the millions of things that I’m doing and that are running through my mind right now I literally ask myself, “where do I start?”

HERstory remains a top priority for me. Like any other start-up company, we’re facing the challenge of building ourselves from the ground up, trying to get more people to know about us. What’s even more challenging is being a start-up company amid a pandemic! It’s a completely different ballgame where we continuously learn as we go along, overcoming every hiccup that comes our way.

Aside from HERstory, I’m working on different multiple projects for the purpose of helping others. Helping others in what way? To earn a little extra. As a mother, I know how difficult it is to face each day with the uncertainty that the pandemic brings. We watch the news every day with more and more people losing their jobs. With lost jobs comes financial struggles for families; so in my own way, no matter how much time is spent and stress it brings, I try to help others gain that bit of certainty with the different side projects that I’m working at.

With everything that’s happening, there’s still a lot of things to be grateful for. I’m thankful for life itself – that we still wake up every day and be able to eat three times a day. I’m thankful for having a roof over our heads, for remaining healthy, and for the opportunities that still come my way in spite of the pandemic. Above all else, I know that our Creator is still there, watching over us. He alone has the reasons and the answers. In His perfect time, I believe that everything will resolve on its own and that we will be in a much better place than where we are in right now.

Stay tuned and I’m sure to give you news that’s in a much more positive light the next time around!

Much love,

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